Winner Selection Criteria -
Stated in the order of importance starting from highest.
We expect the solution to address the core of the problem. You should be able to elaborate on the core functional and technical features of the given problem and include that in the solution design.
The solution provided is expected to be practical in terms of cost, effort and technical feasibility. Reusing existing solutions in terms of code and building on top of them is very much encouraged. Explore repositories like github and the solutions that are currently used around the world.
3.User centricity
Consideration of end-user personas in designing the solution maximizes the effectiveness of the solution for adoption in general. Teams are expected to take this perspective into consideration.
Viewing problems from different perspectives, Out-of-box thinking and providing unique solution with own logic and algorithms is encouraged.
5.Clarity in Communications, Presentations
Presentation contents are to be clear, easy to understand and unambiguous. Questions are to be answered with short and relevant answers. You can use Tamil and English liberally in all forms of communications.
6.Team formation
We encourage team formation with a mix of experienced professionals and students. All professionals team or all students team score lesser than the mixed teams. 4 to 5 person team is encouraged.
7.Identification of Go To Market Strategy
In order to implement the solution for effective use, next steps in terms of development of features, testing, business planning, etc., are to be identified and articulated as part of Judges evaluation.